March 3, 2020
President, Carl Shaver
Vice President, Gary Armour
Treasurer, Joyce Stepansky
Secretary, Sheila Gilstrap
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 AM by President, Carl Shaver, 74 members present and one Guest Speaker. Carl Thanked all for helping with the Chili Luncheon and especially John Jelinek for the delicious Chili.
The minutes were read and approved, Treasurer’s report for January and February read and approved.
Carl read a Thank you card from Sarasota Bay Activity for our $300.00 donation, verbal Thank you for our $500.00 donation to Paradise Bay Activity Groups. The Frank & Bean Raffle had 3 winners of $153.00 each, the last ticket took almost a month to be awarded. Discussion regarding how long to wait for a winning ticket before returning the money to our treasury. The Executive Board will work on this decision.
VICE PRESIDENT REPORT: The Coast Guard inspected 39 Boats this season, the CPR/AED Class had 26 people attending. Hats and shirts are available. Norm Kitchen is in charge of the March 27th Fish Fry Dinner. Sign-up sheets for attendance and to volunteer were passed around. Norm is collecting prizes to be awarded at this luncheon.
Contest Awards were presented. March 5, One Day Contest will be a double day. With separate sign in sheets for Men and Women to replace the February Women’s Only Contest. Non-Award Day Contest is March 19.
DOCKMASTER’S REPORT: John Mattei reported 11 docks were awarded recently. There are 57 on the PB wait list and 5 on the Sarasota Bay wait list. The Lights on the docks have been fixed and will soon be replaced with LED bulbs. When you leave your boat & trailer in the lot, please do not lock your trailer tongue, or leave any items on the ground in the lot.
Don Vogel reported the cost for the repairs to the 5th street ramp came in at $122,000 which is much greater than anticipated. This project is on hold.
EASTER DINNER: Susan Miller passed a sign-up sheet for volunteers for this dinner April 12. We will be hosting this dinner again this year. Tickets will be available at Coffee Hours.
Jim McDaniel, Director of Development, The Center of Anna Maria Island was our special speaker. Their Go Green Initiative is to improve Mind, Body, Spirit, Wellness of our community. As of November 16, 2019, 104 Mini Reefs have been installed along the Island. These are attached to docks and serve as fish habitat’s and attract oysters, crabs and act as a nursery for fish. His presentation was excellent and well organized with scientific information explaining the uses and purpose of these Mini Reef’s. Once colonized these Mini Reef’s provide water filtration by the oysters making the water healthier with higher oxygen content. They have a 10-15-year lifespan with minimal maintenance such as possibly changing the attachment ropes. Most of the materials are recyclable. June 2019 a Grant was awarded by FWC Red Tide Mitigation Technical Development Initiative. They are available from the Center for $350.00.
Meeting was adjourned 10:12 AM