Paradise Bay Activities Committee
Minutes of February 26, 2024
Carl Kerr called meeting to order 10:00 a.m.
Prayer was said by Dan Smith
Pledge of Allegiance was recited
Present: Jim Gath, Carl Kerr, Shana Simison, Karen Rimatzki, Donna Matteson, Lee Stephens and 17 others
Shuffleboard Club did a presentation about the upcoming Pirate Night on Friday, March 1st at 7 p.m.
Secretary report: The minutes of the last meeting were previously emailed and copies passed out. Brenda Ocenasek asked that last names are included in the minutes. That correction will be made and continue in the future. The minutes will stand as corrected.
Treasury report: Shana Simison has taken over the duties of Treasurer in Wendy Graf’s absence. We do not have an updated report because the Park Manager has been ill. Carl Kerr told us that we did make about $1,100 on the Italian Dinner.
Co-Presidents’ report: Jim Gath proposed having a Pig Roast for the Music by the Bay. There was a lot of discussion about when to have it. It was decided to have it on March 21st at 4 p.m. George Mullen made a motion to approve paying for the Pig Roast. It was seconded by Brenda Ocenasek. It passed unanimously.
Vice President report: Shana Simison said since she is taken over the duties of Treasurer, her address is 61 2nd St. and phone no. is 765-318-9818 for anyone who needs to contact her.
Old Business:
- Rules: A draft of the revised Rules was emailed and copies distributed. Karen Rimatzki reviewed the proposed changes. George Mullen made a motion to approve the revised Rules. It was seconded by Kathy Sparks. It passed unanimously.
- Bayfest: Tom Billings said he would ask some people to help set up the tables, chairs and canopies outside by the Annex around 8 a.m. There will be some entertainment during the Luncheon. Jim Gath stated the rules for the Golf Cart Rodeo will be available there. Carl Kerr said the winners of the raffles will be announced after the Golf Cart Rodeo.
New Business:
- Nominating Committee: Ricky Baer, Donna Matteson, and Cathy Mullen will be on the Nominating Committee.
Committee Reports:
Bayfront Flowers: Kathy Sparks-She asked about having more flower pots for the new posts. It was decided we would buy more next season.
Entertainment: Carl Kerr-Last week they sold over 130 Season Tickets for next season. The acts for next year have been picked. Season tickets will be on sale at the next entertainment.
Boating & Fishing Club: George Mullen-There will be a boating trip to Egmont Key this Thursday; meet along the bayfront at 10:30 a.m. On March 22nd at noon will be the fish fry for members only. They will be hosting the Easter Dinner on March 31st. On March 5th there will be an election of all new officers.
Ladies Friendship Club: Cathy Mullen-Kitchen cleaning will be on Friday, March 8th starting at 9:30 a.m. On March 9th there will be a Hot Dog and Donut sale at 24 7th St. starting around 7:30 a.m. for the donuts and coffee. The hot dogs will be sold starting around 9 a.m. Change of time for the next meeting on March 13th will be at 12 p.m. instead of 1 p.m. There will be a guest speaker from the St. Joseph Food Pantry. The Fashion Show will be on March 21st at 1-3 p.m. We need mini desserts. Tickets will be $5 and go on sale this week.
Health Fair & Blood Mobile: Susan Miller-She thanked everyone who gave blood and came to the Health Fair. There were 44 units of blood collected; about 18 more than ever before. About 100 people attended the Health Fair.
Newsletter: Joyce Nicholson-the deadline was yesterday; nothing has been submitted for Bayfest. She was asked just to put in the times.
Bingo: Joyce Nicholson-said the computer they use is not working properly and cannot be fixed. Therefore, they need to buy a new one. It would cost just under $1,200. Joyce Nicholson made a motion to spend up to $1,200 to purchase a new computer for Bingo. It was seconded by Jim Gath. It passed unanimously.
Historical Committee: Brenda Ocenasek-At the next Coffee Hour, we will read a personal interview from a longtime resident. We are still looking people to join or at least help with some of our projects.
Pickleball Club: Melissa Coleman-The Pickleball Fest will be tonight; it was delayed because of the weather last Friday. Also, tonight will be the drawing for the raffle of the use of a golf cart. The Club donated $200 to the Activities Committee.
Waterfront Worship: Dan Smith-It continues to grow. We will continue until Easter. On March 18th, the Waterfront Worship will help serve during Coffee Hour.
SaraBay: Kathy Ormiston-March 16th at 10 a.m.-4 p.m., there will be a Pool Tournament; there is a sign-up sheet in the Pool Room. The Pancake Breakfast is this Friday. The Leap Day Dinner is cancelled. In March, the Line Dancing time will change to be at 1-2:30 p.m. They will have an Epoxy Resin Art Class on Sunday, March 10th at 12-2 p.m. or 3-5 p.m. It will cost $30 for Night Light or $99 for the Charcuterie Board. It is necessary to register and pay by March 6th. The flyer will be on the bulletin board.
There was a suggestion to get a Chalk Board or White Board for the kitchen to list any items that are needed. Carl Kerr said he would get one.
MOTION TO ADJOURN made by Joyce Farrington, 2nd by Kathy Sparks, motion passed.
Our next meeting will be on Monday, March 11, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.
Respectively submitted by Karen Rimatzki, Secretary