Paradise Bay Activities Committee                                           

Minutes of February 19, 2018 Meeting

The meeting was called to order by Peggy Neely at 9:30 a.m.                         

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited

Minutes from the previous meeting were posted and accepted as posted.

Treasurer’s report was given by Wendy Graf. She is almost done with transferring funds from the Bank of America account to the Fidelity Bank account. Several deposits have been made since our last meeting, including a donation from the Boating and Fishing Club for $450.00, thank you. There were a few expenses. Our balance is approximately $16,000.00. The expenses for the Italian Dinner, Bayfest, etc. have not been paid, yet. There were no questions about the report. The report will

stand as read.

Vice-Chairperson-Cindy Cole-She is working on the calendar. If anyone who chairs an activity has changed its time, please let Cindy know so she can update the calendar.

Entertainment-Linda Ramsey-Bert Sine told us that Linda Ramsey will continue to Chair their committee with no changes. The fourth show is this Thursday.

Billboard-Larry Neely-We have received the new billboard but are waiting for the letters before the new board in installed.

Bayfest/ParaSara Happy Days-Peggy Neely-Cindy mentioned that we need more golf carts for the parade. Peggy would like people to sell tickets for the luncheon. Several people did take 10-20 tickets each to sell.

Art Class-Donna Howie-The Annual Art Show will be on March 18th at 1-3 p.m. in the Paradise Bay Rec Hall.

Bayfront Flowers-Tom Colson-The flowers look beautiful. We have a tremendous group of waterers.

Bible Study-Dan Smith-In the next couple of weeks, we are going to be dealing with integrity, what you are when no one is looking. We will be meeting until Easter.

Bingo-Peggy Neely-We are still getting a large crowd in Bingo.

Boating & Fishing Club-Carl Shaver-There has been a problem with using the projector and television in the Paradise Bay Rec Hall. The electrician said the HDMI connections are bad in the floor. Also, the DVD player is an old style. The electrician recommended we get a Blu-ray player with HDMI and USB connectors. Carl did some research on what Blu-ray player would work. He suggested a Sony S3700 which is on sale at Best Buy for $74.00 or on Amazon for $63.00. Carl S. made a motion to purchase the Sony S3700 Blu-ray disc player. It was seconded by Jim Kleiner. The motion passed with a unanimous vote. Peggy said the Executive Committee will take care of purchasing the new Blu-ray player and returning the DVD player.

Bocce Club-Jim Kleiner-we had a Tournament that went well.

Calendar-Cindy Cole-Easter Dinner is being taken care of by the Boating & Fishing Club with Susan Miller leading it.

Car Club-Marlin Snyder-there will be some cars in the Parade but the older ones will be parked somewhere.

Cards(Euchre Monday Night)-Mary Fox-We are having a good turn out.

Cards(Pinochle)-Heidy Kiess-We are having a good turn out, too. Anyone who wants to play just bring a dollar.

Clogging-Glenda Mattinen-We have the same bunch every time and hope some new people will join.

Craft & Hobby Shows-Jean Colson-Nothing new until next November.

Dances-Debbie Greeves-Mary Fox stated they have sold more tickets for the March 10th dance than the last one. Some people are wondering why the tickets are $10.00 for the same group that was at Sarasota Bay that charged $7.50. Mary explained that Debbie just started having dances last year and she had no money to start with.

Decorations-Lynda Kalman-Peggy mentioned that Lynda has bought some new decorations.

Exercise class-Barbara Tasket-Karen will ask if anyone would like to be a dancer during the Bayfest/ParaSara Happy Days luncheon.

Golf-Jim Gath-golf league is doing good, bring your golf clubs.

Health Committee-Rainy Dula-Health Fair is Wed., Feb. 28th 9 a.m.-12 p.m. in the Paradise Bay Rec Hall. The Blood Mobile will be here from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the Hall for donating blood.  She has one person to help put out the snacks but needs one more.

Historical Committee-Brenda Ocenasek-We have been sorting the pictures we have. A lot of them don’t have any information on them. We thought we would set them out so people could give us the details about them. We started having interview sheets filled out by residents that have been here for at least 15 years; now we are having residents that have been here less than 15 years fill them out. We still would like more pictures, even current ones, because eventually they will be part of our history. We are working on our new booklet from 1994 to present. If anyone would like to help, we need help putting things in our display cases.

Horseshoe-Bob Palmer-Jim told us the horseshoe pits are done.

I-Pad Class-Joyce Nicholson-classes are growing. We are up to 24 people.

Kitchen Supplies-Sue Cassidy-She appreciates everyone cleaning up and putting things away after their events.

Library & Magazines-Sue Cassidy-is doing well.

Ladies Friendship Club-Heidy Kiess-We delivered 20 more kits to Turning Point for our homeless Veterans. There will be one or more men from Turning Point speaking at our March 12th Coffee Hour. We will be having our Style Show on March 7th sponsored by Christopher & Banks. At the February 26th Coffee Hour, we will be having a special Style Show that will be a lot of fun. We, also, will be donating $200.00 to the Activities Committee.

Newsletter-Joyce Nicholson-the deadline to submit information for the March Newsletter is February 23th.

Pancake Breakfast-Arlene Sharpsten-the last pancake breakfast went well. We had 88 paying customers. The next one will be March 16th.

Easter Dinner-there was a discussion concerning registration for the Easter Dinner. There needs to be someone at the Coffee Hours in March to assign people to tables and sign them up for a dish to share. Carl S. said he will ask for volunteers at the next meeting of the Boating & Fishing Club.

Share-A-Craft-Betty Trader-there are three of us.

Registration-Peggy stated that if there isn’t a volunteer to do registrations for the Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinners, the group that is hosting the meal will need to provide people to do so.

Street Captains-Larry Neely-still have all the Street Captains.

Sunday Evening Service-Pauline Tompkins-Greg Lynch read the names of the deceased residents that will be honored at the Annual Memorial Service on March 4th at 6 p.m. He wanted to verify their pronunciation.

Old Business


Rules-the revised draft of the Rules were distributed. A vote to approve them will be held at the next meeting.

New Business


Nominating Committee-Peggy ask for volunteers to be on the Nominating Committee to find candidates for a Chairperson and Secretary for the election on March 19th.  There were no volunteers at the meeting.

Heidy asked about having the folding chairs in the Hall cleaned. She said she would ask Tina in the office about it.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Marlin S. and seconded by Irene at 10:35 a.m.

Respectively submitted by Karen Rimatzki, Secretary