Paradise Bay Activities Committee
Minutes of February 5, 2018 Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Peggy Neely at 9:30 a.m.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited
Minutes from the previous meeting were posted and accepted as posted.
Treasurer’s report was given by Wendy Graf. A new checking account has been opened at Fidelity Bank. It has approximately $7,760.00. The account at Bank of America will be closed after all the checks have cleared. The balance at Bank of America is approximately $5,800.00. There were no questions about the report.
Italian Dinner-Peggy N. needs more volunteers to help. It is on Sat., February 24th at 6 p.m. Volunteers are needed at 4 p.m. Glenda said she would help. Also, the Pickle Ball group has offered to help. People to serve and clean up are needed. Bert at 17 G Street is selling tickets. His phone no. is 941-896-8758. Betty will help with clean up. Tom Colson, also, offered to help.
Bayfest/ParaSara Happy Days-Peggy needs volunteers to dance up on stage and clean up during the lunch on Sat., March 3rd from 12-2 p.m. Heidy said she would ask for volunteers at the Ladies Friendship Club meeting.
Health Committee-Rainy Dula-The Health Fair will be on Wed., February 28th at 9 a.m.-12 p.m. at the Paradise Bay Rec Hall with presentations in the Annex. The Bloodmobile will be there from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The signup sheets for the Bloodmobile haven’t been displayed, yet, but will be put up when she receives them. Rainy mentioned she needs 2-3 people to help with snacks and signing in. The Car Club meeting for that day has been canceled.
Crime Prevention presentation by Lt. Andrews will be at the Coffee Hour on February 12th.
Exercise Class-Barbara Tasket-Karen R. mentioned that the group meets on Mon, Wed. and Fri. at Paradise Bay Rec Hall at 8:30 a.m. It is going very well. Thank you for the DVD player for the tv in the Annex that we use when we aren’t able to be in the Hall.
Sunday Evening Service-Pauline Tompkins-Greg Lynch told us the Annual Memorial Service will be on March 4th at 6 p.m. Tom and Jean Gregg are working with the office to get names of people who have passed away. If you know of anyone who has passed away that they might not know about, please inform Tom or Jean Gregg on 1st St. Also, Greg mentioned he would like the tables taken down after Bayfest on Sat., March 3rd. He was told they would be put away.
Craft & Hobby Shows-Jean Colson-the Craft Bazaar was wonderful. We had wonderful new vendors. There was a problem with the lockdown of the Hall. It should have been accessible after the Bazaar was finished but was not. In the future, arrangements should be made to resolve that issue. Shirley Dockery and her crew who were in charge of the food did a wonderful job, even the vendors commented how wonderful it was. The maintenance crew was very helpful and Jean thanked them. There were 21 vendors who paid a total of $205.00. The cost for an ad was $40.90. Therefore, we will be giving $164.10 to the Activities Committee.
Heidy reminded everyone that the Shareholder’s Meeting is February 20, 2018. Please get your votes in as soon as you can.
Ladies Friendship Club-Heidy Kiess-thank everyone who brought in food for the bake sale. The basket that was raffled was so big one person couldn’t carry it and it was valued at about $300.00. Thank you to everyone who participated.
Entertainment-Linda Ramsey-due to the increase in the rates at Sarabay, her husband would like to put their place up for sale and because of that, Linda will not be doing the Entertainment for 2019 at all. Therefore, the committee will need a new Chairperson and Treasurer to take her place. She mentioned several of the duties of the committee including going to observe potential acts, signing contracts, paying entertainers, selling tickets, etc. There will be a meeting tomorrow, Feb. 6th at 8:30 to decide who will be on the Entertainment Committee for 2019. Anyone interested please attend.
Sunshine Club-Cora Brooks-Joyce S. told us the next meeting will be Fri., Feb. 9th. They will be sending fresh flowers on Valentine’s Day to those that are over 90. If you know of anyone that is over 90, please contact Cora or Joyce at 941-761-7579.
Boating and Fishing Club-Carl Shaver-He presented $250.00 to the SaraBay Activities Committee, this morning. He will be presenting a check for $450.00 to the Activities Committee at the next Coffee Hour.
Pancake Breakfast-Arlene Sharpsten-next Pancake Breakfast is Fri., February 16th at 8-9:30 a.m.
Dances-Debbie Greeves-dances at Paradise Bay Rec Hall will be on February 10th with Wendell Ray and March 10th with the Soul R Coaster band at 6-9 p.m. with doors opening at 5:30 p.m. You may bring an appetizer to share and your own beverages. Tickets are $10.00 per person. Tickets can be purchased from Mary Fox, Debbie Greeves and Darnell at 14 2nd street.
Shuffleboard-Bernie Broda-on Jan. 29 & 30 we had our tournament with 20 players from Manatee County. Tournament Director complimented us on our facilities and our organization. We need more players to participate especially for our tournaments.
Old Business
Rules-plan to revise and present them at the next meeting.
New Business
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Terry R. and seconded by Jean at 10:30 a.m.
Respectively submitted by Karen Rimatzki, Secretary